The Stuff Every Girl Needs for BTS
- A fab outfit. You’ve probably heard the ” Look like you’re not trying” advice before. I think that’s a fashion old wives tale. I believe that you should look like you put a tiny bit of effort into your look. But make sure it’s casual. I like sundresses.
- Great skin. If you haven’t found your right face wash already, keep looking. And, by the way, you probably roll your eyes at their ads, but Proactiv WORKS!!!!
- Awesome boots. When it comes to boots, you have three choices: bright, chic, or rocker. ( And snow boots, but I’m not talking about those.) Pick the category that fits your style.
- Cool supplies. Go to stores like Office Max, Target, and Walmart. Look at brands like University of Style.
July 21st, 2012 | All Styles, Girly Style | Comments Off on The Stuff Every Girl Needs for BTS