Archive for the ‘All Styles’ Category
Monday, March 26th, 2012
The Pantone color of the year combines the look-at-me boldness of redwith the warmth of yellow: tangerine. Sephora carries so many tangerine things, from super bright to cool copper. So many awesome ways to dip into the orange trend without going all-out siren.
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Saturday, March 10th, 2012
Never, ever,be scared to stand out. It always pays off. And if you epic fail, you’ll know not to do that next time. Take a risk with a color you don’t always wear,or an extreme print. Lop off your hair or grow it out. But remember not to go overboard. Rock the huge hair, the sparkly dress, or the blingy necklace.
Posted in All Styles, Girly Style, Indie Style, Punk Style | 1 Comment »
Saturday, February 25th, 2012
I’ve given you the Taft Dos, but not the Don’ts. Here’s what not to bring to Taft.
- Anything you’re not supposed to, like a cell or electronics.
- Lip gloss, eye shadow, mascara,or any other makeup except lip balm. You’ll just lose them.
- Anything that you cannot label. You don’t want your stuff dumped in the hallway.
- Anything you are afraid to lose.
- Obviously, don’t be Ballerina Girl. Don’t bring anything even remotely fancy.
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Friday, February 17th, 2012
The founders of Juicy Couture are Gela Nash-Taylor and Pamela Skaist-Levy. They are the only ones who know what the name actually means, but they won’t tell anyone. By 2oo9, the label had almost 70 shops in the United States, and 32 overseas. Juicy Couture launched Dirty English, a menswear line , but it closed in five years due to them wanting to expand their womenswear line. Juicy Couture is a mega-label and that’s why I picked them for Label Focus.
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Sunday, January 15th, 2012
If you’re anything like me, you are going to have a hard time keeping track of your things at Taft. This is a guide on what to bring, why to bring it, and how to be sure you can find it all on day 3!
- I love Philosophy shower gel because it is so multipurpose! I can use it to wash my body, hair, and face. Plus, I can keep track of it more easily!
- Get one of those giant five dollar bags of socks. You can lose a lot of socks in three days!
- Get separate pack bags to put in your duffel and put one day’s clothes in each one. No more tearing apart the dormitory looking for a tee!
- Bring a huge Ziploc bag to put dirty clothes in so you know what laundry you have to do when you get home.
- Don’t bring anything you are not afraid to lose. If you wear it on a regular basis, skip it.
- Take showers at night because you only have 1 hour to get ready.
- Don’t be last in the bathroom. If you are you might be late to breakfast.
- This might go without saying, but don’t have complex clothes and makeup. Complicated knots and fasteners will make you late and lots of little bottles will get lost.
- Bring sports bras instead of regular hook-in-the-back ones to save time.
- Bring the sane toiletries bag that you do travelling. It should be just the right size.
These tips will help you keep track of your stuff and save time at Taft!
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Saturday, January 14th, 2012
l just got water-resistant faux fur boots to wear at Taft! I also have a hot pink sweatshirt with a black sequined heart. You can use a tinted lip balm instead of a regular one for a girly touch. One thing I always pay attention to is shape. I love the hoodies from Victoria’s Secret because they keep your waist and make sure you still look like a girl. With these tips you’ll be one of the best dressed girls at Taft!
Posted in All Styles, Girly Style | Comments Off on Stand Out On The Trails!
Sunday, December 11th, 2011
So you’re walking through Sephora, wondering if that hot pink nail polish will look good with your skin. With, you can try on the polish on a hand of your skin tone choice. You’ll never regret a manicure again!
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Saturday, December 10th, 2011

This is my suitcase! I got it at Kohls.
Cute luggage is a great way to make packing less of a hassle. Look for fun, printed luggage and toiletries bags with little pouches that come with the bag to put makeup in. (Plus, you’ll never wonder which suitcase is yours in baggage claim!)
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Sunday, November 27th, 2011
Summer style has endless options, but it’s November and shorts season is over. But you can still turn heads in the snow with cute yet practical snow boots and bright scarves and hats. Just go to any big mall store and you can find beautiful scarves, hats, and boots for good prices.

Bring on the slush!

You can seriously play in the snow in these!
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Friday, November 18th, 2011
Hey fashionistas, just wanted to tell you that pictures will be coming this weekend with other cool stuff!
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